4 elements ii level 10
4 elements ii level 10

4 elements ii level 10

The spell's level increases by 1 for each additional ki point you spend. Once you reach 5th level in this class, you can spend additional ki points to increase the level of a casting discipline, provided that its corresponding spell has an enhanced effect at higher levels, as burning hands does. These casting disciplines are considered spells for the purpose of other spells and effects (spells like counterspell, items like the Ring of Spell Turning, and effects like the War Caster feat). The Elemental Magic discipline allows you to learn casting disciplines that let you mimic the effects of spells, with some alterations: material components and arcane foci are not required to cast these spells, spells that can target a number of ally creatures as well as the caster can only target the caster (spells such as fly or gaseous form), and spells you cast are cast at their lowest level, unless otherwise stated. You cannot replace the Elemental Attunement discipline in this manner. Whenever you gain a level as a Monk, you may replace one or more elemental disciplines that you know with different disciplines that are of an appropriate level. You learn three additional elemental disciplines of your choice at 6th, 11th, and 17th level. You are considered a spellcaster for the purpose of attuning to magic items, and you learn the Elemental Attunement discipline as well as three elemental disciplines of your choice, which are detailed in the elemental disciplines sections below. Some disciplines require you to spend ki points when you use them. When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn magical disciplines that harness the power of the four elements.

4 elements ii level 10

Way of the 4 Elements (Not Original Revised Version) (Modified)

4 elements ii level 10